Most laundry doers know they are supposed to clean out the lint trap every time they use their dryer, but here's what they don't know: you are supposed to have your dryer's vent professionally cleaned every few years.
What Is A Dryer Vent?
Every dryer has a vent, it's what that cute little accordion-like hose behind your dryer hooks up to inside your wall. This vent runs from your dryer all the way to the top of your roof or the side of your house, as it directs all the wet, hot air and lint outside of the home, allowing your clothes to dry. Sounds simple right? Wrong! Back in the day, dryers used to be placed next to an exterior wall, so the vent was super short and your dryer got good airflow, but many dryers nowadays are placed in the middle of the home, creating a MUCH longer dryer vent. The air doesn't get pushed outside with as much force and lint gets stuck inside the vent and starts to build up, eventually creating a pretty good blockage.

How Does This Affect Your Dryer?
A significant blockage in the dryer vent will make your dryer work harder to get clothes dry, and it will take much longer to dry them, all the while ruining your dryer over time. Even if you buy a brand new dryer, the clogged up duct work will ruin that dryer too… not to mention it's a fire hazard! It's not just lint that builds up in there, birds and other critters build nests inside vents, builders use the wrong material or put the wrong covers over the outside part of the vent or they leave a mesh covering over the vent, which makes lint build up even faster.

What Do I Need to Know About Dryer Vent Cleaning?
There are a myriad of other culprits that could be impacting your dryer vent system and lead to your dryer being overworked. Some examples we have come across are squished dryer hoses, duct work that gets crunched in the attic by boxes, and we have even seen roofers that have put shingles RIGHT OVER the dryer vent hole and completely blocked the airflow! We have seen. it. all. Luckily, HomeSafe knows how to handle and fix all of these problems. We are a one-stop-shop when it comes to dryer vent systems. Give us a call if any of these apply to you:
If you haven't ever had your dryer vent cleaned
If you notice your dryer takes more than one cycle to dry a load of laundry
If your dryer gets really really hot or you smell burning
If the heating element went out in your dryer
You'll want to find a professional dryer vent cleaner that is knowledgeable and reputable. Look for a dryer vent cleaning company that:
Specializes in dryer vents
Knows the building codes
Can address any and all problems they come across
Will do a thorough inspection
Will get up on the roof and up in the attic to get to the root of the problem
Is fully insured and guarantees all of their work
If you are in the Dallas / Fort Worth, Texas Metroplex call HomeSafe Dryer Vent Cleaning (214) 681-9848. We have specialized in dryer vent cleaning for a long time now and have really seen it all. We will figure out exactly what needs to be done to get your dryer working its best, drying its fastest and lasting the longest. You can even schedule your appointment online at HomeSafe Dryer Vent Cleaning. Keep your home safer and your dryer lasting longer by having your dryer vent cleaned professionally. Happy Drying!